Tag Archives: updates

Imagine 24.4 puzzle…

Work has kept me very busy this spring, so I’m still working on updates for the If Then City Blocks and Cell Wall Transport System puzzles. But it was long overdue to switch off the winter theme and remove the direct link to the holiday puzzles, although they can still be found here.

Site Updates: Fall 2016

An ongoing catalogue of Knossos Games website issues and minor updates.

Updated through WordPress 4.7

As part of the holiday-themed update at Thanksgiving, I created a new Knossos Games banner for all pages.

This fall included several big content updates: a new Neuron Activation Level puzzle and website update, a new Gerrymandering puzzle, the return of the holiday logic problems, and a feature article about logic and puzzlemaking in Imagine magazine.

More updates are on their way in the new year!

Fall ’16 Updates Just Around the Corner

It was an active summer here at Knossos Games HQ, with two warm-weather themed updates (Park Trails and Park Cleanup Logic puzzle). But the big news was that Tim moved to Chicago to start his new job as the Director of the Mathematical Sciences Learning Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

As always, the Knossos Games summer hiatus was spent preparing updates and puzzles for the magazine and website (as well as packing and unpacking a lot of boxes!). As I’ve commented before, several things are always going on at once, and the summer was spent writing puzzles, preparing site updates, and generally getting things organized. There are a lot of exciting updates coming!

Site Updates: June 2016

An ongoing catalogue of Knossos Games website issues and minor updates.

Updated through WordPress 4.5.3

Fixed a bug I discovered in the old version of the Categories listing (from the Version 6 section of the site) that occurred when I updated the Greek Temple puzzles in April. That listing is not regularly updated, but is maintained to support the Version 6 section of the website.

This month’s major updates included the Park Trails puzzle in celebration of National Trails day (June 4) and Logic puzzle #19: Park Cleanup in celebration of the solstice (June 20).

Unfortunately, the Park Trails puzzle wasn’t completely finished in time for June 4 as planned. The solution page was later updated to include a detailed solution and the photo on the instruction page was updated to fix a resolution problem (using the standard trick of having a higher resolution image, in this case 800 x 600, displayed at a lower resolution, 400 x 300).

Update: DNA Transposition

Note: this entry contains minor spoilers about the solutions to the two DNA Transposition puzzles. Go solve them first!

Back when the first DNA Transposition puzzle was printed in Imagine, we were concerned that readers would not completely understand how to solve the puzzle given the abbreviated instructions printed in the available space. In situations like this, the website comes in handy: we can post detailed instructions and examples and print a link in the magazine in case readers want more information. So that’s what we did, but I never got around to posting the actual puzzle (or the second one) until now.

Regardless, I discovered and fixed a few flaws in the original graphics before posting this update. Most of my attention focused on the solution graphics, both the path through the apparatus and the tree diagram showing the problem space. Finding the appropriate way to show a path that loops and doubles back on itself in a single diagram was tricky. I found that creating template path pieces worked best – these could be assembled then merged together to form one seamless, semi-transparent path.

path pieces

Representing loops in the problem space diagrams presented a similar challenge. I first charted out each problem space on paper, then created a digital version that could be rearranged so that loop connections would be close together (or as close together as possible). Several alignment issues were also corrected in the problem space diagrams.

Compounding all of this in the second puzzle was, in addition to an intended (shortest) solution, an additional solution that merited attention. This meant creating multiple solution path graphics, all of which needed to share the same visual language, and creating a single problem space chart that could highlight each solution separately while still being compact and coherent overall.